最近發現美國信用卡公司竟有個賤招:收到妳「早早」寄出的支票後,慢慢拖到截止日後一天才去銀行承兌、入賬,目的不僅是收取滯納金、遲繳利息,更是藉此牽託郵局信件處理遲緩,鼓勵持卡人以網路銀行繳卡費。揭穿這惡劣行徑的,正是我家老公,同時、同地,將繳交家裡各項費用的支票投到同個郵筒。其他支票都於寄發後兩天內兌現,惟獨繳付老公跟我的信用卡費(同家信用卡公司)的那兩張支票,不約而同在到期日一天入帳。我看到本其帳單上一筆24美元的”financial charge”,覺得很不服氣,決定據理力爭。去電客服部,才讓我傻眼

客服員說那筆financial charge為利息,因為我帳上868塊錢的餘額,只清了八百塊。「天啊,」我說 ”$24 of interest on $68 of balance for a few days?”「才68元未清竟要我交24塊錢的利息?有沒有搞錯?」接下來,客服人員的解釋才讓我拍案叫絕。These folks are really talented in driving me nuts!

“Oh, no. If you don’t pay off the whole statement balance of the month, the interest is calculated based on the whole balance, not just the remaining balance.” (如果不結清帳單,利息計算是基於帳單總餘額,而不是未繳餘額)

“What? It doesn’t make sense!”(這太不合理了)

“It’s stated in our standard terms and conditions. Actually, it’s industry practice. Not just us, many other credit card companies apply this policy.”(我們標準契約中有載明。況且,並不是只有我們家信用卡是這樣計算,其他家也是。這是行規。)

“You know what? I have 3 XXX credit cards. I think I’m going to cut them all.”(我要剪卡!)


OS: 這還用問?也不是真要剪,嚇嚇你而已。)

“Is that all you can do? You don’t sound very much value my business.”(你只會說這些廢話。聽起來 貴公司似乎不希罕我的生意)

“Excuse me? Ma’am, we DO value your business.”(我們很重視您的生意啊!)這回他有點緊張了

“Well… I’m telling you my dissatisfaction, but you just said that your company is offering nothing better than your competitors, and I can go ahead leaving doing business with any other credit card company.”(我對你抒發我的不滿,而只聽你說 貴公司端出的牛肉跟競爭者比差不多)

“How about we credit back to your account?”(那您不用附那筆利息了)



掛了電話,看到旁邊男同事吃驚的表情,趕緊說 “Sometimes, you just got to be tough and bitchy!” (予豈恰北北哉,予不得已也)給自己緩頰。

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